Online Counselling

Positives Of Online Counselling

  • No travel necessary
  • No need to find a parking space
  • No parking fees
  • No fuel costs
  • It can be from the comfort of your own home
  • You do not have to go out in the cold, dark and rainy weather
  • Choose a time that is best for you. I can offer different times in the day due to the flexability of working from home and not having to go to an office space
  • When the sesson is finished, you are home and you can carry on with your day or evening. Hopefully after session take some time to reflect, chill out and relax.
  • I can share information via email on different websites and helplines that i feel could be helpful to you.

Online Counselling Sessions

Tips, Ideas and Suggestions

  • Please make sure you have a hot or cold drink available (please not alcoholic)
  • Counselling can be very emotional at times, I would suggest having tissues nearby
  • It is important that the sessions are held in a private, quiet space of your home, if possible
  • Some people have used their cars as a space to have counselling but please make sure you feel safe where you are parked up
  • Please make sure you have adequate lighting, that the device you are using is fully charged and that you are in a space where internet connection is good
  • Please no Alexa or Siri switched on nearby
  • Mobile phones turned off/on silent, thank you
  • Please no recording of the sessions, thank you
  • A confidential setting as best that you can – important that if possible please no interruptions from other people in the household, unless of course it is urgent.